• Lashes that look great on other people but when you buy them, they look like you’re wearing spider legs?
  • Lashes that are too long that anytime someone mentions the word lash, you yell out they're fake? 
  • Lashes that splat against your sunglasses like bugs on a windshield?
  • Lashes that are so heavy that you’re doing eyelid curls?
  • Lashes that you can’t wear more than once because they lose their curl?
  • Lashes that you’re literally counting down the minute you’re able to go home and rip them off?
  • Lashes that look plastic and not fantastic?
  • Carrying around lash glue because the corners keep lifting?
  • Struggling to get the lash band to stay down when you’re putting them on?
  • Spending money to try the latest lash out on the market only to be disappointed?

:: raises hand ::

Sounds like we share the same frustrations!

If you haven't heard, Love Pretty Lashes help resolve all these issues! 

How we can help you

Love Pretty Lashes is designed specifically for people with small/petite/or Asian eyes who love hand-crafted, no-fuss, easy to apply, comfort-first but also glamorous lashes. 

We focus and specialize in designing and creating high-quality, hassle-free length, and all-day wear comfort lashes for those of us with small/petite/or Asian eyes. 

We promise that when you wear our lashes, you'll understand how our attention to details from our box design to crafting the right lash length was designed to make your life 100% more glam and 100% less hassle


We stand for high-quality product, hand-made craftsmanship, and thoughtful design to maximize your lash wearing experience. Because when you feel good, you do good.

To make sure you experience premium, hand-crafted lashes, we found the best manufacturer in China that shared our same passion and principles in making sure that our lashes are crafted with the highest quality and standard.

All of our hand-crafted, cotton lashband  Mink lashes are:
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Sterilized Twice
  • Free of any Chemicals or Dyes.
This is especially important to us because who wants itchy and/or irritated eyes??? Not me.

Please buy our lashes and tell all your friends so we can keep the lights on. 



Founder & Lash Addict